Following Jim into the abyss

Zellers and me

Me, Jimmy Hopper and Hailey Caruso

C-leb, Jim , and Heidi Wirtz in the back about the drop in

I was fortunate to land a three day "work" trip to Kirkwood. Not only was it three days of riding, but it was lead by Jim Zellers, Tahoe hardman who has been shredding since before the word shred was used in boarding. Also, my boy Caleb (aka, Bustah Brown, C-leb, C-liberace, Caleb Brown the Grumpy clown) was there with Jimmy Hopper, charging their way down the hill. On day two, school was in session as Jim pushed me out of my comfort zone, which I'm way psyched that he did. Day three we woke up to fresh powder... a great way to end the trip!