Tahoe is in some desperate need of snow, but that didn't stop me from heading up there to meet up with my good buddy AB and Desiree. AB was only in the country for about a week before heading off to guide his second season on Mt. Everest, so we thought it appropriate to meet up for the weekend. He had just been in France guiding for over a month, so these boney Tahoe conditions made for more of a social weekend than shred weekend. With conditions pretty bright and sunny, the morning was bullet hard ice which turned into spring slush in the afternoon. To kick off the spring weather, Monster energy drinks hosted a "pool party" at the top of the cable car lift "lagoon" and that was a whole lot more fun than than we thought. Glad we had the foresight to wear swim suits under our riding clothes "just in case." 'Cause you never can tell when you're gonna run into a pool party.